Challenge & Solution
Our solution
IP launchpad: where fans and private investors can invest in tokenized entertainment IPs.
Marketplace for secondary trading of IP assets.
Entertainment IP Fund, with tokenized ownership, for larger private and institutional investors who prefer to invest in a portfolio of entertainment IPs.
More specifically, we are developing 3 products:
STR8FIRE is building a platform for tokenization of entertainment IPs, such as movies, animations, TV shows, comics, music, toys, and merchandising.
Revenue model
IP Launchpad: launch fees charged to IPs launched + % tokens of all IPs launched.
Marketplace: commission on all secondary trading.
Entertainment IP Fund: part ownership of the fund.
As part of our native token structure, we have a growth fund for direct investment into selected IPs on the IP Launchpad.
Based on % ownership of the IPs, revenue split on all Web2 and Web3 monetization.
Maximize Return on Investment
Our team's deep industry expertise enables us to actively drive monetization channels, boosting the success and returns of each IP and thus our return on investment.
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